MicroShiner Magazine is the definitive guide to the world of craft spirits. MicroShiner not only features trending cocktails, but focuses on the people behind the craft spirits.These are the designs I contributed to the Autumn 2014 edition of the magazine. 

I was asked to create an original  illustration for a feature page in MicroShiner Magazine. The Feature is on Raff Distillerie, more information about them can be found here: http://www.raffdistillerie.com

This is my design without the added Raff banner that I did not design.* the banner was a previously designed element that I sourced from Raff for the illustration.
With banner
Raff was described to me as "The Mad Scientist of Treasure Island" so I wanted to include beakers in the design

The Illustration within the layout of the magazine

I was tasked with finding a font and creating a stylized header for another feature within MicroShiner.
The look that MicroShiner was going for was like the photo below
I choose the font TrashBarusa http://www.dafont.com/trashbarusa.font and added a 3d effect.
I then sourced the color for the background of the text from the desired photo.
The design within the layout of the magazine
Thanks for looking :)
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